Will Rich Girard Draw the Sword From the Stone and be Elected Mayor of Manchester?
Controversial Conservative Continues to Thrive Due to Cowardice of Queen City Progressives — OPINION
MANCHESTER, NH — Rich Girard has benefitted from the failure of Mayor Joyce Craig or Victoria Sullivan to attack him on issues of character and thus has an outside shot of being the next Mayor of The Queen City — even if that occurs in January 2024, after Craig surrenders the Corner Office at City Hall Plaza. (She may surrender it in January 2023 after being elected governor.)
What is striking is the failure of Democrats other than New Hampshire Democratic Party Chair Ray Buckley and former Chair Kathy Sullivan to wade into the hurlyburly of the municipal election. Where are the surrogates for Mayor Craig — or for Victoria Sullivan for that matter — taking RIch Girard to task for his 2014 sexting scandal, his allegedly illegal contacting (and subsequent harassment of) an 18 year old school girl, his spearheading of the multi-fronted assault to drive Dave Scannell from the School Board, and other calumnies and character assassinations?
Where is Black Lives Matter Manchester to call out Girard for his racism? (Does BLM-Manchester even exist? Its New Hampshire counterpart engaged in the old political game of feathering one’s own nest when it played a role in boosting Chris Sununu’s candidacy in 2020?) Where is (and what is) Rights & Democracy? (Is it just a vehicle to raise funds to pay the salary of its staff?)
Where are the so-called progressives who seemingly contain their exertions to the battlefields of social media? Where is State Rep. Matt “Moneybags” Willhelm, always good for a tweet or two a day on some burning issue that will enable him to appeal for more campaign cash, who in my knowledge has never stepped into a real Manchester municipal fight let alone Manchester City Hall to take a stand on anything?
The cowardice and inertia of Manchester Democratic politicians and so-called progressives is the reason that Joe Kelly Levasseur is poised to get easily reelected as alderman at large. And it is also a reason that Rich Girard continues to be a power in Queen City politics.
If he succeeds, even in getting into the Final 2 for the November election, it is their fault. Rich Girard is better than them, for he is no coward.