Was Her Booty the Secret of Julie Andrews’ Success?

Brit Actress-Singer Ranked #1 at B.O. in 1966

Jon Hopwood
2 min readJun 24, 2021

Julie Andrews’ golden years are long behind her. The Sound of Music, which played at one of the Hanover Street Houses, actually sported a poster boasting that this movie musical — the first flick to surpass the gross of Gone With the Wind in dollars unadjusted for inflation — had played for over a year.

As a kid whose mother had you on a short leash, possibly even paying you the indignity of holding your hand downtown as you strutted your six-year-old stuff on a Long Tuesday, passing by this poster and the real poster of a frowning Christopher Plummer glowering at a light-footed Julie Andrews (who had put you to sleep out of sheer boredom the year before when Ma had taken you to the Bedford Grove drive-in to see Mary Poppins) again and again over time, proved irritating.

It was not the kind of movie I wanted to see.

Lusty penguin represents the objective correlative signifying the exploitation of CIS womyn by the male gaze

It would many years for me to appreciate Julie Andrews.

Many years later, babysitting a niece and watching Mary Poppins on videotape, I realized that Julie Andrews was wicked cute and had a good rack a nice ass, insights I did not share with the kid, naturally. I mean, she was not only hot, back in 1964, it wasn’t just the horny Disney cartoon penguins who were leering at her.

No wonder why she topped the list of Top Box Office Stars the year after Sean Connery did!

The moms that had dragged the pops to the theater to see Julie Andrews movies probably didn’t know that their hubbies wanted to bang her.



Jon Hopwood
Jon Hopwood

Written by Jon Hopwood

I am a writer who lives in New Hampshire

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