Victoria Wojdylak Sullivan Why Do You Refuse to Criticize Accused Racist Joe Kelly Levasseur?

Is Ward 9 Alderman Candidate Just Another Amoral “On-the-Make” Politician? — OPINION

Jon Hopwood
3 min readFeb 6, 2022

Victoria Wojdylak Sullivan, you like to portray herself as an opponent of racism, and attacked State Rep. Nicole Klein Knight on Facebook.

Klein Knight, as you know, was removed from the New Hampshire House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee for allegedly using a racial slur in the presence of an African American activist.

Victoria Wojdylak’s FB Post on NHState Rep. Nicole Klein Knight

New Hampshire State Rep. Nicole Klein Knight is a Democrat. She was removed from the committee at the request of the New Hampshire House Democratic leadership.

Why is it, Victoria Sullivan, that you take this public pose against a politician using racial invective, but you gave your close ally, Alderman at Large Joe Kelly Levasseur, a Republican, a free pass after he called a young Black Lives Matter activist a “zipperhead” and told him to get a job?

Why is it, Victoria Sullivan, you criticize a Democrat who allegedly made a racial slur in the presence of a black person — a slur that a letter criticizing Klein Knight said was not directed at the black activist himself — yet, you didn’t denounce the Republican Joe Levasseur for using a racist slur directly targeting a black activist?

Letter from BIPOC activists about NH State Rep. Klein Knight (loupe & underlining added)

Victoria Sullivan, in the days after BLM Manchester held non-violent protests in the Queen City, didn’t you call for a “curfew” on your Facebook page to curb the political activity of black activists and their allies?

You need to answer this inquiry. There’s no evidence of your call for a curfew on your Facebook page, as any posts made between November 2019 — when you lost your first race against Mayor Joyce Craig — and November 2020 have been deleted.

Why did you delete those posts, Victoria Sullivan? Did you delete those posts, Victoria Sullivan, to “wipe the slate clean?”

Since Governor Chris Sununu is a moderate on race issues — unlike your ally, Joe Kelly Levasseur — did you flush your anti-BLM posts down the “memory hole” to appear moderate in order to get the governor’s endorsement?

If that was your strategy, it worked, as Governor Sununu did endorse you.

Many if not most reasonable people in this city that you moved to believe your ally Joe Kelly Levasseur was partly to blame for the disruption that came after the peaceful BLM vigil in Stark Park back in 2020.

Your ally Joe has ceded his Will & Joe public access show to you on a bimonthly basis so that you can have a video soapbox to thump the tub for your candidacy. Whether on cable access TV, on social media or in the aldermanic chambers, Levasseur has long engaged in provocative and incendiary behavior.

Victoria Sullivan, I think it is fair to say that a reasonable person could express the opinion Joe Kelly Levasseur is an irresponsible chatterbox and demagogue who may be mentally unbalanced. Such a person issuing such a statement, in my opinion, would face little chance of being found liable for damages in a court of law adjudicating a libel, slander and defamation lawsuit brought by your ally, Alderman Levasseur.

Why then, Victoria Sullivan, does Joe Kelly Levasseur remain immune to your censure?

Many people, Victoria Sullivan, believe that you moved to Manchester out of a conviction that our Queen City is fertile ground to spread the seed of your ambition in order to harvest political fruit to quench your appetite for power.

Is that it? Is Joe Kelly Levasseur’s unceasing stream of bull$#!% is the fertilizer for your intended crop?

It will be a bitter harvest, Victoria Sullivan. A bitter harvest, indeed.

Uncropped photo: Victoria Sullivan (yellow arrow), assault rifles (red arrows)



Jon Hopwood
Jon Hopwood

Written by Jon Hopwood

I am a writer who lives in New Hampshire

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