“Supporters of Victoria Sullivan” Facebook Group is Hidden; What Does Mayoral Candidate Have to Hide?
MANCHESTER, NH — Why is the “Supporters of Victoria Sullivan” Facebook group a “hidden group.” What does Victoria Sullivan have to hide?
Here is my Opinion: I criticize Rich Girard, but I never doubt that he loves Manchester. Can I say the same thing about Victoria Sullivan?
Rich Girard’s criticisms are grounded in a lifetime of living in Manchester, and many years serving the Queen City as a public official and elected representative of the people.
What is Victoria Sullivan’s criticism rooted in? A lust for power?
Why would someone move to a city and then run it down as a pestilent dump? How long has Victoria Sullivan lived in Manchester? Less than a baker’s dozen years? And for at least four of those, she’s running down Manchester as an outhouse ready to go up in flames if someone drops a match. According to some Democrats, she is capable of starting that fire.)
It’s not right. She should not be the standard bearer of the Republican Party, which my late mother belonged to for most of her adult life. (Bill Clinton by 1996 had won her over to the Dem Party, which the rest of the family always belonged to — when I told Bill that he laughed and embraced her.)
The NH GOP was the party of Warren Rudman and other stalwart Granite Staters. not all of whom were born here, but who loved New Hampshire.
As one West Sider said on election day (and it’s WEST SIDER Masshole Victoria Sullivan & native New Yorker Tammy Simmons , not “Westie” which is a type of lap dog):
“Who does she think she is, attacking Manchester? She should move away. This is our hometown.”
The anti-French Canadian comments of Victoria Sullivan and Friend of the Free State Project Tammy Simmons were unforgivable in my opinion and will cost Sullivan many votes on the West Side, a district that of recent years has given its votes generously to Republican candidates. At the Ward 10 polls, a Manchesterite of French Canadian heritage lambasted the Sullivan supporters for her perceived bigotry on election day.
At the mayoral election recount, Free State Project member extraordinaire Carla Gericke — Tammy Simmons’ sidekick and a big supporter of Massachusetts import Victoria Sullivan — was there, fluttering around Sullivan, her ally. Gericke is a native South African who moved to the United States and shows her appreciation for America by wanting to secede from it. A country that I served in the military (I’m a disabled vet — thank you, Carla Gericke, for disrespecting the country that I was proud to serve.)
Carla Gericke, secessionist, is one of Victoria Sullivan’s biggest allies. IMO (in my opinion), Gericke is a radical anarcho-libertarian; one of the most important if not The most important Free Staters baying for New Hampshire to become its own country.
And this is who Victoria Sullivan allies herself with? Someone with no respect for the United States. Someone who, IMO, likely came here to NH for one reason only: To seek political power.
Is that what Victoria Sullivan is all about? Coming to Manchester, to seek political power in a place she has lived in such a short period of time? She saw Frank Guinta do it — not realizing apparently he had paid his dues, and had been in municipal government.
Just as the West Sider commented about newcomer VIctoria Sullivan “If she doesn’t like it, she can leave!” I ask this of Sullvian’s Free State ally:
If you don’t like the United States Carla Gericke, why the hell did you move here? Leave for god’s sake!
It is absolutely grotesque, in my opinion.
It was apparent, once Rich Girard lost the recount, that the Free State Project and its ideological allies as well as ambitious locals who should know better have taken over the Manchester Republican Party. It is not longer the Grand Old Party, but virtually a foreign agent.
It is a grotesque situation, that a woman with no experience in municipal government who — as Rich Girard says — lacks any knowledge of how a municipal government works — should be the nominee of the GOP.
Just who is going to tell Victoria Sullivan what to do? What is she hiding?
The confirmation of her squeaking out the second spot in the final confirmed the Free State Project has taken over the Manchester GOP. That is my opinion and the opinion of many others I have talked to, including Rich Girard supporters who are registered Republicans.
Free State Project people, instead of joining the Libertarian Party that would be natural to anarcho-libertarians, instead infiltrated the Republican Party, as a path to power. (Other Free Staters, despiste being ideologically out of tune with the Democratic Party, declare themselves Democrats if they are domiciled in a Democratic leaning district on order to win office.
Many hide their Free State affiliation from the voters, as Tammy Simmons and Victoria Sullivan hid the Free State affiliation of the I Heart West Side group calls that. according to Simmons and Sullivan, has to clean up Little Canada (Ward 11) because French Canadians — an ethnic group FAMOUS for its tidy yards and tidy neighborhoods — are old slobs. (Carla “Secessionist” Gericke’s husband is the spokesman for the group that Sullivan and Simmons tout as replacement for French Canadians in La Petit Canada.)
Are Friend of the Free State Project Tammy Smmons (who failed to take over Ward 10 with her Free State allies) and the Free Staters trying to take over Ward 11? (To Free State candidates lacking a French name running in Ward 11, I say — “Bon chance!”)
Does Victoria Sullivan think that she’s going to “Clean up” vote wise on the West Side?
Victoria Sullivan, have you ever seen a license plate from Quebec? What does “JE ME SOUVIENS” mean? A little warning for you from the West Side: “NOUS NOUS SOUVENONS.”
“We Remember.”
So let’s go back to the question I posed:
Why is the “Supporters of Victoria Sullivan” Facebook group a “hidden group.” Just what does Victoria Sullivan have to hide?
No matter how much one disagrees with Rich Girard, one has to respect his voluminous knowledge of how municipal government works. And one can never doubt that he is one of us.
He has ideas on how to improve his hometown of Manchester, based on his education, his political apprenticeship, and experiences as a municipal official and an elected representative of the people of Manchester. He did not enter the arena simply out of dreams of having power, let alone made truck with people dreaming of an independent country called — what? “Freedonia” from the the Marx Bros movie Duck Soup? Or “Victoria” (a suburb of Johannesburg in Gericke’s? native South Africa).
Speaking of dreams: Victoria Sullivan’s two-time triumph over Rich Girard was the Democrats’ dream. They slept easier the night after the recount was finished.
That’s just one person’s opinion. I could be wrong… but I feel there is something definitely wrong with the Victoria Sullivan campaign. (Aside from the fact that some of her allies stink!)
Her campaign is NOT an expression of the Queen City community, IMO, but unfortunately represents much of what is wrong in politics, namely — Self-interest parading as civic virtue, and even worse — mendacity.