Progressive Groups in Manchester Gave Victoria Sullivan & Joe Kelly Levasseur a Free Pass During the 2021 Election

Holier Than Thou Types Also Sat On Their Hands During 2023 General Election — OPINION

Jon Hopwood
2 min readNov 15, 2023
Victoria Sullivan (left) with men armed with assault rifles on South Willow St. (June 2, 2020)

MANCHESTER, NH — The National Republican Party pumped $80,000 into Victoria Sullivan’s 2021 mayoral campaign to pay for advertising buys as her race with incumbent Joyce Craig tightened up.

Despite the fact that Sullivan stood sentry with armed individuals who may be part of the militia movement on a day that Black Lives Manchester scheduled a candlelight vigil and has extremists like secessionist Carla Gericke as close allies, the progressive community has been silent.

Other than thumping the tub for money on social media and pushing their individual causes, Queen City progressives have largely given Victoria Sullivan and the uber-reactionary Joe Kelly Levasseur a free pass.

Just as the self-styled “Mayor of Manchester” Victoria Sullivan (whose supporters on social media talk about her as if she actually is mayor) and her extremism is in tune with the national Republican Party and Governor Chris Sununu (who has an eye on a U.S. Senate seat and is pandering to Trump voters).

However, unlike the national GOP-minded local Republicans, they do not get into the nitty gritty of retail politics on the local level.

The also blew it in 2023. They spent their time criticizing Mayor Joyce Craig and Chairman of the Board of Alderman Pat Long, Democrats who offended their sense of purity, rather than going after Republican carpetbagger Jay Ruais and the Free State Project and MAGA types have taken over the Manchester GOP.

I hope they enjoy two or more years of Mayor Jay Ruais and the Republican dominated Board. Something tells me that, because of the narcissistic masochism of such Holier Than Thou types, they will.

