Is Rich Girard Lying When He Says There Was No Agreement to Endorse Victoria Sullivan?
“Now we have a choice between the status quo and someone who has no functional understanding of city government.” — Richard H. Girard
In the final week of the campaign, Rich Girard and Victoria Sullivan engaged in a bitter slanging match on the Girard for Mayor Facebook page. Girard had taken Sullivan to task for being untruthful about her claims that she didn’t know that Girard had challenged her to a debate.
Girard’s dismissal of Sullivan as being essentially incompetent and unfit to be mayor was part of his post-concession remarks to Manchester Ink Link. The putdown came after he said that Sullivan’s assertion that they had agreed to endorse one another in the general election against incumbent Mayor Joyce Craig was untrue.
On the hustings on primary day, Girard had told people that he believed that he not only would beat Sullivan and come in #2, but that he would defeat Craig in November.
The official results show Rich Girard coming in 128 votes behind Victoria Sullivan. Since the margin of his loss is greater than 1%, Rich Girard likely won’t pursue a recount, as it would cost him a cool thousand bucks. He now faces at two more years working the “Sunshine Shift” at U.P.S. before he can make another bid for mayor.
But the question remains: Is Rich Girard’s claim that he and Victoria Sullivan did NOT meet and reach an agreement a lie, or is she lying?
In my opinion, it would be wise to lay one’s bets on Girard.