Bradford Conservation Commission Identifies New Hampshire as Part of Europe

Facebook Post Shows the Absurdity of Woke History

Jon Hopwood
3 min readMay 15, 2023
Granite Staters of the 19th C. would not have considered themselves “Europeans”

It’s been nearly a year since he Facebook page of the town of Bradford, New Hampshire Conservation Commission first posted this exciting news:

The Bradford Springs site has a new sign! The new wording acknowledges the history behind the building of a hotel here in the early 1800s. Native peoples would bring their ailing to the spring that never froze in the winter for it’s healing power. European entrepreneurs built a hotel around the idea of a health spa where people would travel to stay for the whole summer. It grew to over 100 rooms before finally being moved to Antrim where it was rebuilt as the Maplehurst Inn. This location is being reborn with it’s addition to the Abenaki Trails Project, educating all people about the way land was cared for and used by native peoples for millennia.

The “Woke” Folk of Bradford apparently don’t realize that whereas Ukraine is in Europe, the United States of America is not…. Or is it simply the term “European-American” cannot be used, as “America” (based on the name of “Age of Discovery” explorer Amergio Vespucci — who was a citizen of the Republic of Florence in what is now Italy and thus a “European”) likely is taboo.

The foolishness of the Bradford Woke Folk is legion:

  • European entrepreneurs? Obviously, they meant Americans? History says the hotel was built in 1858, some 82 years after the founding of the United States 1776. Perhaps that is one of the inconvenient truths no longer being taught in public schools.
  • Bradford Woke Folk apparently are in denial that that New Hampshire was one of the original 13 states of the United States, and that in 1858, the U.S. Constitution had been in existence for 69 years (coming into force after New Hampshire became was the ninth state to ratify it).

This woke nonsense is something beyond satire. The Bradford Woke Folk apparently have no knowledge of history other than whatever they decide to make up.

They tout that they are “educating all people about the way land was cared for and used by native peoples for millennia.” Since there is no written history until migrants from Western Europe arrived in North America, no one knows what actual “history” transpired.

I have always found it shameful that New Hampshire, my native state, doesn’t have one federally recognized First Nations tribe. It doesn’t even have one state recognized tribe and tribe, recognized by the federal government, the state, or by actual Native American nations.

The so-called “Cowasuck Band” that has been making news recently apparently was made up by the descendants of French settlers in colonial Quebec. It is not recognized by actual First Nations tribes in Canada.

On Facebook, a person with a French name that could indicate French Canadian descent decided to chime in. Jason Croteau posted:

And sacred to the m’ ikmaq and Irish travelers and romani the people your state hates and pretends dont exist here

This post actually made me laugh out loud as it shows Wokeness at its most ridiculous.

“Irish traveler” and “Romani” were once covered by the word “gypsy” which is non-politically correct, of course. the Romani are considered an ethnic group that were once called “Gypsies,” and the non-Romani Europeans were given the name, too.

In a way, it mirrors the French Canadians who claim they are Native American/First Nations. They are called “Pretendians” and such imposters are at the center of a major political row in Quebec and and the rest of Canada.



Jon Hopwood
Jon Hopwood

Written by Jon Hopwood

I am a writer who lives in New Hampshire

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